Raghava Social Media consultant and SEO consultant

Raghava is a SEO and Ssocial Media Marketing consultant. He has profound knowledge on online marketing, interactive marketing and how to drive traffic, sales and business through both online and offline channels.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Experiential Learning's Series Is Coming Soon

After the launch of my personal blog lot of ideas are flowing into my brain. My thought process is running day and night. Even though i will not be spending lot of time writing here, interesting posts of my new series Experiential Learning's will be posted here.

Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. So i am trying to read and gather as much information as i can and put into use. Most of my writings are based on the concept of Experiential Learning's and i am trying to find people who put this concept into use in their daily life. Once i have enough info and people to learn from i will kick start off.

PS....For Time being keep a watch on Raghav's blog@ www.raghava.in
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