Raghava Social Media consultant and SEO consultant

Raghava is a SEO and Ssocial Media Marketing consultant. He has profound knowledge on online marketing, interactive marketing and how to drive traffic, sales and business through both online and offline channels.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Law of Time

Law of Time

The title it self represents that I am going to talk about the time and the value of it. I always meet some people who claim that thy are not getting enough time to finish the work. I have no idea why they say so, because all of them have got only 24 hrs and they have to allocate this precious time properly.

Different people follow different methods of doing this some people write schedule, some people take the help of reminders etc. It is not how you are doing, it s how much amount of time you are using effectively to get a maximum output. If there is no proper planning for anything in life it is going to fail only because the time has passed out and one cannot get back not even a single minute of that precious time.

I have just finished studying some articles about Entrepreneurs, it states that lot of entrepreneurs tend to do the work on their own, even though it can be delegated. So this is reducing the maximum output which they can get. It is not only reducing the output but killing the thought process, implementation or testing of other ideas etc so if a person is utilizing his time in a best way he can get multiple returns from one shot.

Some people might have lot of things to do in their life so they say that time is not sufficient to do all these activities. So one cannot say that, they have no planning or they are not using the time to the best. They are using each and every minute to the best; only thing is they do work according to prioritization

Person who understand their priorities and allocate the time according to it are more successful.

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