Raghava Social Media consultant and SEO consultant

Raghava is a SEO and Ssocial Media Marketing consultant. He has profound knowledge on online marketing, interactive marketing and how to drive traffic, sales and business through both online and offline channels.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blogadda.com Reminds me

I was just browsing the internet and i heard of blogadda.com which bring all indian bloggers together under one roof. I thought to register my blog there and get a listing in their directory. I have no other intention or any interest in that website as i am fedup of registering in websites and making profiles, submitting links, photos, videos etc. The site is totally a different platform after i registered i understood there is a goldmine which i never explored.

I tried to submit my link in the directory but unable to process due to various reasons. During that course of time i tried to find how to get the rss feed only using my screen reader. Infact i was successful in a way, but still i was unable to process the submission. Later i thought i will quit and get away from that site, but there is a link which grabbed my attention "Interview with Poonam". I was not interested at first but still i thought to give it a try. The interview was really good lot of new things can be learnt from it. Its her life, her views and her interview, but there is something which is addressing to the society and world. This is catchy and i thought to myself it was 3 yrs before i started my blog and stopped blogging too. There is this lady who is blogging and very successful.

I asked myself what is that stopped you from blogging Satish and the answer is lying in front of me. It was fear, shyness, my disability etc.

i was feared of people will laugh at my language. I was not good either in talking or writing english. I improved in talking, but there is a lot to learn. When it comes to my writing i have no clue today also. Some others have to give me a feedback.

I was a shy boy so that stopped me to blog about something which i liked. I thought when i cannot say it's me who did this post, i thought its waste to blog.

My disability stopped me from blogging too. There is technology but there was no accessability of websites during that time. The advanced technology of screen readers is allowing me to post something now, but in those days i was not aware of how to use those tools effectively.

After reading the interview i understood that its not language which engages the reader but the feel and expression, how effectively we are delivering the message. I am sorry i don't have the link of the interview, but you can google "alchemist poonam" and get it on blogadda.

Today i dare to make a mistake and learn from it.
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1 comment:

  1. interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
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