Raghava Social Media consultant and SEO consultant

Raghava is a SEO and Ssocial Media Marketing consultant. He has profound knowledge on online marketing, interactive marketing and how to drive traffic, sales and business through both online and offline channels.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Access ability of internet for visually challenged

Hello all today i am going to speak about the accessability of internet for visually challenged using screen readers. After using different softwares and being in the field of internet marketing i understood that with accessability of internet for screen readers we cannot do any thing. For example if there is no jaws i might not able to do this blog posts jaws is my screen reader which in full form called as job access with speech.. I found that most of the websites and softwares are not accessable for visually challenged. For example i am typing my blog post here and this particular area is not accessable for my screen reader as it is not recognising what kind of edit area is this. In this way there lot of rules which are called accessability guidelines which can be found in w3schools.org I am learning accessability testing as i found that the major internet companies are hiring visually challenged so as to work on their products, websites etc. Once upon there is no audio confirmation code available but today it is abailable and visually challenged can use mozilla and its addon called webvisum to over come the confirmation code problem. more information can be found at www.webvisum.com. ok bye for now will keep you posted.
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